Working with civil society to enhance vertical equity

This exercise works with a tool called Venn diagrams that is described in more detail in Module 5 Resources and tools for work with civil society. You may want to read about it now.

You can do this exercise as an individual or with a group of people. If you do it as an individual on paper follow the same steps a group would take.

Identify an important health problem and a goal that you would want to achieve in it. Then identify the necessary inputs for this goal. Put these inputs in a circle in the middle of a flip chart (or page).

Now think of the different social groups in a community affected by this problem. Draw a circle for each group. The size of the circle corresponds to the size of the group and the extent to which they are at risk from the health problem. (Large circle = big group, high risk; smallest circle = smallest group, lowest risk). Position the circles close to or far away from the circle with the inputs in them, depending on how easily the group can access the inputs in the circle in the centre.

For example, the simple chart below outlines the diagram for controlling diarrhoea through safe water supplies.


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Enhancing civil society

Priority health problems

Facilitating roles
Interactive exercise

Policy accountability

Equity in health
Responding to communities
The potential for success
Interactive exercise