Auntie Stella

12. I pay for lunch, don’t I deserve sex?

Theme: Sex and relationships
Forced sex

Dear Auntie Stella

I am a boy at school and I want to have sex with my girlfriend. I buy her lunch at school, pay bus fare and sometimes even give her gifts but she won’t have sex with me. My friends say that other girls do this. Why can’t she give me sex to say thank you for the things I do for her? 


Talking points

  • Do you feel you have to have sex with your boyfriend if he gives you presents or money? BOYS: Do you expect your girlfriend to have sex with you because you buy things for her?

  • Why do you think Themba’s girlfriend refuses to have sex with him? What advice would you give Themba? And what advice would you give his girlfriend?

  • Some say boys and girls don’t want the same thing from relationships.What do they each want? Do you all agree?

  • Look at the picture below.What do you think of Lovemore’s motto? Write your own motto – about sex, life and relationships.Whose is the coolest?
