Auntie Stella


Auntie Stella was produced by Training and Research Support Centre (Zimbabwe)
Box CY2720, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: 263-4-795124

Do you want a hard copy of the ‘Auntie Stella’ toolkit?

‘Auntie Stella’ is also available as a printed pack with the letters on cards. The toolkit is packed in a bright blue case and contains 42 laminated question and answer cards, a 40-page Facilitator’s and Adaptation Guide and two information cards; one lists the topics in the letters and the other explains difficult words. You can find out prices and order a copy by contacting us here.

You can also download the print versions of the cards and guide in English, Shona, Ndebele, Kiswahili, Portuguese and Chichewa. These are available from the TARSC publications database under the ‘Children, women and youth’ section.